I'm Looking for Some Advice... (approx. 2-3 min. read)

Living with PTSD has a lot of challenges ...the biggest one for me is leaving the house and I start worrying about it at least one day before I have to go somewhere. So, when most of you are going through your nightly ritual; washing your face, brushing and flossing your teeth and thinking about what’s on your agenda for the next day, I’m starting to panic.

Panicking about where I have to be, or who I’m going to be with? If I have to be with someone, is it someone I know or is it a stranger? How long will it take me to get there and can I get there without going on any major roads or highways? Worse yet, will I have to turn left where there’s lots of traffic?!

Most people don’t even think about these things but for someone like me, it's anxiety and thought provoking and it makes me sweat (profusely!!) just thinking about it! Honestly if I had my druthers I’d never leave the house; and the only question I ask myself while I’m going through my nightly rituals is, “Do I have to do anything that scares me tomorrow?”

Now don’t get me wrong because there’s nothing wrong with a good old fashioned adrenaline rush; but when it courses through your veins on a daily, if not hourly, basis it’s not so good for you and can have detrimental effects on your health.

When the adrenal glands on the kidneys perceive a threat; real or imagined they release a stress hormone called adrenaline or epinephrine. The threat could come from actual physical threat, chronic stress, heart failure, or even strenuous exercise, whatever the threat they all produce the stress hormone - adrenaline.

For most people their adrenaline levels go back to normal within minutes after the perceived threat but for someone with PTSD, the adrenaline rush doesn’t come to an end and can continue for years. And like I mentioned before, this can cause all kinds of stress-related issues like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and/or in my case - central serous retinopathy.

Which brings me to the reason I wrote this week’s blog ...do you have PTSD or another mental illness that continually makes you live on the edge of your seat? Does adrenaline course through your veins as commonly as blood? And if it does what do you do to help relieve your stress levels? Because I’m at a loss.

I’ve got to find a way to help me cope and I have to find it fast. Most cases of CSR go away in one to two months and there is no permanent damage, but I’ve had it for over three months and I’m really starting to worry. So if you have any advice, please send me a message or leave me a comment.

Stay safe and stay strong. Thanks for following.


